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Mappa dell'hotel

Mappa dell'hotel


broleescore:3.5 / 52023-12-27
The hotel is old, so it's convenient to go to IKEA.
sd2565score:4.0 / 52023-10-27
The hotel is suitable for business travel. Travel is convenient. Recommended
d04516086score:5.0 / 52023-09-30
The hotel is not bad! And moon cakes were sent on the Mid Autumn Festival!
Double_ yanscore:4.8 / 52023-09-11
The hotel you choose for traveling is close to the scenic spot, which is mainly convenient
lanefuscore:4.0 / 52023-08-29
It's OK to live often. It's close to the subway and the science park
It's provided by China Holiday, [view more reviews].